Monday, March 30, 2009


The food of my favourite cartoon character, Doraemon; the red bean paste filled pancake.

Brought this snack when i popped by Bugis for lunch last week. It was the Japan fair held by Cold Storage at the atrium of Bugis Junction. It was air flown from Japan and could last appro. 3 weeks. Price is $2 per piece.

The packaging is convenient & it look sweet.

The green color packaging is green tea flavour which is cream based. Not to my liking at all as i prefer genuine filling.

Look at the solid red bean filling.
The red bean filling is not too sweet and the pancake is light and fluffy with a spongy texture.

Will definately get it if i sees it again. =)


  1. Haha.... You like xiao ding dang. Where's your ba bao da. Hehe.... Though expensive $2 per pack but it looks yummy!

  2. hehe.. i like 小叮当!I got a good webby link of Doraemon in this blog under"Style de vie".
    If i have the 八宝袋,i would definately share it with you when we are in Amex..=)

    yah i also think $2 quite ex, but i swear the red bean one is really nice and most impt, its fresh!
