Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hoover Rojak, 豪华羅雜

The famous Balestier Hoover Rojak, i am sure most people heard about it. At any time of the day, queue are always formed and plates of rojak are seen on almost every table in the Whampoa hawker.

Generous serving of the peanuts bits.

Ingredients includes; tau pok, youtiao (油条), bean sprout, cucumber, mango, turnip and pineapple.

I have to say that i am not really impressed with the rojak. There are better ones and other choices that are more value for money. I think that their $3 portion is really small.
Still, i would encourage people to give it a try.

Balestier Road Hoover Rojak
Whampoa Drive Food Centre
Blk 90 

Baystreet 21

I know i have been missing in action for some time, in my lazy mode and been busy with my work as well.
I will be uploading photos of various food places which i had visited but did not diligently review them on time {guilty}.

Baystreet 21 - the unknown gourmet place.

Situated in the corner of the 2nd storey of IMM building and near the carpark entrance, it is easy to miss Baystreet 21 unless you drive.

Baystreet serves various cuisines such as Western, Indonesian, Nyonya, Chinese and Thai food which you be spolit for choices. Another point to take note is their price is reasonable and they have value sets for those who can't make up their mind on what to eat.

One of my favourite dish is the sliced fish been hoon soup. And it is only available every Tues, Thurs and Sat! For those who loves to eat fish head, they do have it as well.

So what so special about it?

I did not ask my bee hoon soup to be served this way but rather this is how the dish has been served all along. Isn't it brilliant? In order not to change the texture of the nicely fried and crispy sliced fish, the chef served the fish separately from the soup.

The serving of the sliced fish was generous and its was always freshly fried whenever i ordered it.

The soup was cooked with salted vegetables as you can see, tomatoes and fried shallots was added for flavourng.

Another recommended would be their seafood fried kway teow.
A truly must try.
For those who likes to eat Tzi Char would know, the smell of the wok for fried kway teow is a must.
 The whole plate was generously filled with seafood and fried spring onion.
And for those who is health conscious, it is not oily at all.
You won't feel a layer of oil on your lips after that.  

Highly recommeding the sliced fish bee hoon soup!
Be sure to take note of the days which this dish will be served and sometimes it sold out so fast that you might not even get to taste it after lunch time.

Overall, Baystreet 21 is more to a family restuarant and the portion for every dishes is quite filling.
Hearty meal is easily achievable :)

Baystreet 21
IMM Building
Tel: 6561 2202

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Madeleine's Portuguese Egg Tart

I am sure most of us have ate Madeleine's portuguese egg tart before.
Nowadays, you would only see Madeleine in form of pushcart or in pasar malam.
Still remember there was once a small outlet outside Far East Plaza.
Last week, i came across the food bazaar in Novena Sq and it caught my attention :) Miss the taste of it.

 The mini egg tarts were sold at 12 for $9.

The same old packaging over the years, iconic dutch lady with the tart in hand.

I can't say it is better than famous Tat Cheong in HK Central but well, it is of certain standard.
The multi-layered crust is puffy and the texture of the egg is as smooth as beancurd. This is appealing enough for people to pop in more than one and feeling guilty! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Toast

My first impression; another Old Town?
To be frank, i find that it is much better than Old Town.

Kopi $1.40

Clear and clean setup, with menu on top and sides of the counter.
Thick Toast with Butter and Chicken Floss $1.80
Look how generous is the floss being spread over the thick toast.

Mee Siam $3.50
Decent taste, nothing to pick on.

Famous KL Curry Chicken with Toast $5.50
Normally, curry will comes with sliced baguette bread.
But at My Toast, curry comes with 2 slices of toast bread (as shown) which greatly enhanced the taste.

Close up and you could see the Tau Pok in the curry.

 My French Toast Special $3.20
Thickly spread of peanut butter coupled with golden brown french toast bread, finished off with honey on top.
A must try for those that love peanut butter! 

Petaling Street Chee Cheong Fun - Curry $2.80
Heard that its common in KL but definately not in SG. 
Taste like curry Kuey Teow to me, and a bit bland.

Nasi Lemak $4.50
Combination of chicken wing, ikan bilis and sunny side-up egg.
Portion and taste are decent but i like the chicken wing which is not oily and with right level of marination.

My recommendation:
KL Curry Chicken with Toast
My French Toast Special
Nasi Lemak
My Toast (多士王)
West Mall
Tel: 68984954

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chocolat Factory

125 grams of BIG emotions?
How is emotions being weigh and put a price tag on it?
Thats how choclate factory uses their chocolate to weigh against the happy emotions that you will be able to get from chocolate!

 Notice each bright yellow box imprinted with the phase " the pleasure boxes".

Overall, i can't comment much on the quality as i only manage to eat one piece out of the whole box.
(Will update this entry when there is more information)
However, when i was making my choices, the variety available seems to be lesser than other chocolate boutique.
I am definitely attracted to the clean and clear message of emotions out of CHOCOLATE :)
Are you?

Chocolat Factory
Novena Square 2
Tel: 6235 3006