Monday, February 9, 2009

Kim's Family Food

Been wanted to try out this Korean restaurant that is hidden around the corner near Chun Tin court. Decided to give it a try last month when J & I simply do not know where to go for dinner after work :)

Kim's is a family owned restaurant, with simple decoration of Korea culture. The owner's son is so polite that you will feel uneasy by the 3rd time he said “Thank you” for each dishes you have ordered from him. First impression upon reading the menu is, you just simply do not know what to order. The wording is messy and you might just need some time to make your selection.

It is almost full house on a weekday nite. Diners are mainly Koreans.

What always makes me excited in a Korean restaurant is to anticipate the side dishes that are available for the day. To my surprise, Kim’s serves up to 10 side dishes that include Saba fish. Yes, SABA fish. I don't think that any other restaurant would do that? (Correct me if I am wrong.) The other side dishes includes Kimchi, potato salad, bean pasted vegetable etc…

Fried Rice Cake, with sliced fish cake and cabbage.
The rice cake is quite chewy, and it was more to a spicy version but it taste good. Love the
crunchyness of the cabbage.

The BBQ pork, more to salty side, definitely must be eaten with rice. It looks cold as thou it has been left out for sometime, but as you put it into your mouth, it burns. No taste of porky smell. Good!

The Ginseng Chicken soup which we waited for long time. Wanted to give up already when it arrived at our table. Serves piping hot but not to my expectation as I finds it too bland, can’t really taste the Ginseng. Noted that the soup has been added with smashed peanuts on top to add on extra fragrance to the soup.

We could not finish everything, as the portion are quite big. All this add up to about $50+ which is quite reasonable as compare to most Korean restuarant. Kim's does not charge 10% service charge and there are freebies to be given on different week.

As we are just too full, we did not took our 2 cans of free drinks :)

A worthwhile to try, Korean restuarant.

17 Lorong Kilat
Kilat Court #01-06
Tel: 6465 0535


  1. sound really good. yummy. Am eyeing that potato salad. =)

    2 of you ate so much??

  2. its not alot...
    The ricecake is snack portion, but we dont know that the BBQ pork is such a big portion.We only order a meat & soup, and it turn out to be alot... :)
