Wednesday, December 10, 2008

阿秋甜品 Ah Chew Desserts

Few years ago, my buddy GY brought me to this small shop for desserts in one hot humid afternoon. I would say that the desserts have generally improve over the years. From a small shop space that they have until today, they have bought over the shop space besides them. Business is still as good and i would say much busier.

Look at the crowd on sat night!!

Used to have the long Q'ing system but now the waiting time is quite fast and they do deliver all the desserts to customers now. They should give me a VIP card as i have brought numerous friends to eat their desserts. So this time round i decide to intro their desserts on my blog.

The pricing is rather affordable and if you really wanna taste desserts with the real ingredients (真材食料) , this is the place to go.

They are famous for their Mango Sago with Pomelo, 杨枝甘露 ($3.80) and Ice Red Bean in HongKong style, 港式红豆冰. I was rather "heaty" these few days, so i order their 龟零膏($3.80).

Look @ the pomelo and the cube-sized mango, YUMMY!

Although i like the taste of the manago sago, but somehow thinking that chilled version of it would be better than the current version of adding in crushed ice.

It might look nothing fantastic, but the feeling is refreshing in your mouth and its texture is very smooth. Taste best with unlimted supply of honey by the shop. Haaa...

Didn't manage to get any pic for the Iced Red Bean in HK style, cause don't have any more space in my stomach for it =)

Ah chew Desserts
1 Liang Seah Street
Singapore 189022
Tel: 6339 8198
Closed on certain Mondays of the month

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